Case Study: Reservoir and wetlands construction

Project: Irrigation Reservoir

Client: J & E Ely Golf Course Contractors

Contract Supervisors: Donald Steel & Co

Design By: White Horse Contractors Limited

Contract Value £80K

White Horse Contractors carried out all survey work, design and working-drawing production for this 5.5million gallon irrigation reservoir, complete with wetland habitats and margins.

Construction involved the use of White Horse Contractors’ own earthmoving plant to create a 3.5-m high retaining bund.

The reservoir was artificially lined and topsoil was replaced over the margins and wetland habitats.

Golf course irrigation reervoir construction

Find out more about our water engineering services.


Survey work, design and working-drawing production.

5.5million gallon irrigation reservoir.

The reservoir was artificially lined and topsoil was replaced over the margins and wetland habitats.

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